Sunday, March 18, 2007

Beware of perfume imitation

Perfume has along history to tell and was first discovered in Egypt. It was used in the very olden days in Eygpt by king, queen and the royal family and the smell stay there for a very long time until the 18th century that France discovered and was introduced to the perfume smell to France and sold to most parts of the world. After that French has taken over the prefume industry and the prefume is very famous for its smell and the beauty of its perfume bottle.

Today France is very well known for its perfume, the smell is very popular with both sex and with the young and old alikes and the price is quite very expensive nowadays. Perfume can be present as a gift to your love one on their birthday or on a auspicious occastion.

Before buying perfume gets some perfume information from some perfume experts or even your friends who knows about perfume or buy it from a well known perfume outlets as there many imitation out in the markets today to earn some fast bucks.
